Sunday, September 20, 2009

August 14, 2009 - ABR at Children's Hospital, Speech Evaluation and Ear Mold Impressions

Ella Marie - 3 1/2 months old
Well today we had a very long day. We started off at Children's Hospital. Ella Marie was scheduled for another ABR test. Children's likes to run their own tests. This time we did not have to sedate Ella Marie which was very nice because it was really rough on her the last time. The results confirmed the same thing. Ella Marie was considered in the severe to profound hearing loss category. Oh how we were wishing for different results, but we knew that our results would be the same. After her ABR test, we went to the Hear Center in Birmingham. Our doctor refers his patients there for speech therapy. We were scheduled for Ella Marie to have a speech evaluation. You may ask the same question as I will you evaluate her. Well she was mainly evaluated by asking me as the mother a lot of questions. This was great seeing as though she slept through most of it. Next we had her first set of earmolds made. Well Ella Marie did not like this one bit. First they check your ear, then they push a little string and cotton piece down in your ear. Then they fill your ear up with a lot of gooey stuff. None of this hurts, but she did not want anything in her ear (who could blame her). I think she let everyone know in the building that her lungs worked perfectly. We were told to come back in a week to pick up her hearing aids.

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